Maria Christina Eckart’s Cookery Book from 1776

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Version vom 30. Juni 2021, 18:07 Uhr von RenateMetz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „'''Finger Noodles with Potatoes'''“)
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Among other things, the Eckart Family Archive contains recipes from the handwritten cookery book of Maria Christina Eckart, née Traugott. The second wife of Johannes Eckart not only used to cook for her own family, but also catered for guests at the post house and coaching inn "Goldener Hirsch" (Golden Deer). Even in those days, potatoes were the most important food on the menu. The cookery book contains recipes for “Potato Gateau”, “Finger Noodles with Potatoes” and “Small Potato Cakes”. Shortly before becoming part of the family archive, the cookery book had been owned by the genealogist Else Emrich (1904 to 1983).[1]

The recipes

References to the cookery book in the Eckart Family Archive.

Potato Gateau

"Finely grate 500 grams of hard-boiled, peeled and cooled potatoes. Put twelve eggs, four egg yolks and 250 grams of finely ground sugar in a clean, glazed bowl and whisk them in one direction for half an hour, then stir in the potatoes for eight minutes. Grease the baking pan with butter, sprinkle it with fine breadcrumbs and pour in the dough (leave about two inches below the top rim, so that the dough has room to rise). Bake in the oven, but not too hot, carefully turn out the cake and leave it to cool. If one wants, one can mix in finely shredded lemon peel and decorate it with names, flowers and so forth."

Finger Noodles with Potatoes

„Man reibe gesottene und geschälte Erdäpfeln auf ein Nudelbrett mische eben so viel Mehl, das nötige Salz oder Zucker darunter, mache recht kleine Nudelchen aus ihm, lasse in einer Raine Schmalz heiss werden, schütte die Nudelchen darein, … [Der restliche Text ist leider unleserlich].“

Erdbürn-Küchlein zu machen

„Nimm weich gesottene Erdbürn, schäls, zerrührs wie einen Brei, nimm ein Mehl, schlag 3 Eyer daran und rühre recht ab. Salze sie wohl und muss sein wie ein Brey, dass so vom Löffel ablauft, nimm einen Esslöffel voll, lege es in heisses Schmalz, länglicht backs bis gelb und rösch sind, dann iss mans so schmecken sie wie die gebackenen Grundeln.“


  1. Eckart Family Archive, J I 522, Extracts from Maria Christina Eckart’s cookery book.