Wolff Eckart (-I)

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Wolf Eckart, (-I), (*May 18, 1565, in Mergners, near Betzenstein, Germany; †April 1, 1632, in Urspring, near Pretzfeld, Germany), baker in Urspring, miller in the mill Thosmühle; married (1) Margaretha Hoffmann on May 25, 1595, (2) Anna before 1615 in Wichsenstein, near Gössweinstein, Germany

From his birthplace Mergners, Wolff moved to Wannbach, approximately 20 kilometers away and today a district of Pretzfeld. Here he became a baker and thus the first Eckart to work in the food production. In 1607, Wolff Eckart started a new profession, even though he was already 42 years old at the time: He became a miller in the mill Thosmühle, in the neighborhood of which he already owned several plots of land. Thosmühle is located one kilometer from Urspring. It is possible that Wolff Eckart practiced both crafts, which means he was both a miller and a baker at the same time. In 1595, Wolff Eckart married Margaretha Hoffmann (*around 1570 in Dietersdorf, near Schwabach; †before 1615); the couple had at least five children. The eldest son was Conz.